

Easy to Use

From signup to uploading in 15 minutes! We make it easy to have your site up and running, fast!


Web Based Admin

Completely web based you can manage every aspect of your account from creating users to managing permissions.


Fast and Secure

No file size limits or upload/download bandwidth restrictions. Transfer files as fast as your Internet connection allows.

Ready to Start Sharing?

Become more efficient and productive with FTP Hosting!

Start Now!

FTP Hosting Features:

  1. Storage Graphs

    Our File Sharing Control panel will show you the storage amount you have purchased and used over the lifetime of your account in a pretty graph. By default you will...
  2. Unlimited FTP Access

    All of our FTP Hosting packages allow for unlimited connections per username/password at one time. This means you can give the username/password out to hundreds or thousands of people and...
  3. Drag & Drop

    Using Internet Explorer or Windows Explorer you can drag & drop files just as you would if you were moving files/folders around on your personal computer. The only difference is...
  4. 24x7x365 Tech Support

    CyberLynk’s ticket system is staffed 24x7x365 and you can open a support by emailing support@cyberlynk.net or via our secure client portal. For phone support you can call 1-800-862-5965 from 8am...

Signup right now!

Accounts activated in 5 Minutes.

CyberLynk offers a very simple and fast method to share files with clients, friends, family, outside sales reps, etc instead of emailing these files as attachments.

Industries That Use FTP:

  1. Biotech

    Businesses across various industries are increasingly turning to FTP hosting services for communicating with clients in a more efficient and secure manner. Those involved in Biotech field can benefit tremendously...
  2. Recruiting

    Recruiters are constantly sharing resumes, cover letters, references, NDA’s, employment application and other documents related to filling job openings. Instead of emailing them and wondering if they were received why...